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10:09 am, September 30, 2013

Minecraft Mob: Blaze (Mob)


Blaze (or a Blaze) is a type of Mob that is located in the Nether World

How to find a Blaze

The easiest way to find a Blaze is to find a nether fortress in the nether. Usually nether fortresses have blaze spawners, caution is advised as the spawners can produce 4-5+ blazes at a time, and they launch three fire balls in quick succession, which will burn through your health pretty fast. The blazes will start spawning once you get 16 blocks away from the spawner.

The easiest way to defeat a Blaze

To defeat a blaze you can pretty much forget the sword, and the bow and arrows are too slow. Snow balls are the way to go. or if you are feeling keen use a ton of Snow Golem's

If you are going up against a blaze for the first time, its reccommended to bring multiple stacks of snowballs. These can be fired very quickly, with pretty much no delay you can empty 16 snowballs into a blaze and this should **** it. Build a wall for protection and pop out to **** the blaze and then back behind the wall.

Click here for a good method of farming snow balls.

After you have ****** a few blazes they should drop a blaze rod, which can be used to create a brewing stand, which in turn can be used to make fire resistant potions making blazes a bit easier to combat in the future.

Related Items

Blaze Rod

Snow Ball


Close up image of a blaze mob.

Showing a blaze mob spawner.


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